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Vision, mission and values


To position PROTEO-Laval as a leader in research and innovation on the function, engineering and applications of proteins in a context of sustainable development.


  • Bring together a critical mass of researchers with diversified and complementary expertise from Université Laval working in the field of protein research.
  • Create a stimulating scientific environment to attract, train and retain world-class scientists, while supporting the dimensions of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI).
  • Train new talent from diverse backgrounds through the acquisition of disciplinary and cross-disciplinary skills to support the growth of protein science in Quebec.
  • Pool high-value human and material resources to create a cutting-edge research infrastructure enabling researchers to do more and perform better on an international scale in a highly competitive field.
  • Advance knowledge of model protein systems by tackling large-scale problems, exploiting the synergy of complementary expertise and the cluster's multitude of sophisticated scientific infrastructures.
  • Promote democratization and universal access to knowledge in protein science, and promote protein science and the importance of research to the general public, especially young people.
  • Solve scientific, environmental, economic and societal problems related to the function, engineering and applications of proteins, in order to foster equitable, inclusive and open innovation.


  • Equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Integrity, collaboration and professionalism
  • Innovation, excellence and scientific rigor
  • Education, scientific popularization and societal commitments
  • Knowledge sharing and access