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Governance and coordination

The 24 research members have elected an executive committee to ensure the smooth running of PROTEO-Laval. Students, postdoctoral fellows and laboratory research professionals are also members. The Executive Committee reports to the General Meeting of members. Finally, PROTEO-Laval has one member employed in coordination.


The Director of PROTEO-Laval is a professor at Université Laval who is a regular member and whose excellence and leadership are recognized by his or her peers. The Director is appointed for a term of up to four years, following formal consultation with the Members' Assembly.


The co-director supports management in its duties. He or she also assumes interim management of the center in the event of the director's absence, with the same powers.

Composition of the Executive Committee

  1. Director;
  2. Co-Director;
  3. 3 to 5 regular members, from at least two of the faculties represented within PROTEO-Laval, elected by the general meeting of members for a 3-year term (renewable once, except in exceptional circumstances);
  4. 2 graduate students, if possible from two different faculties, elected by the student body for a renewable 1-year term;
  5. one postdoctoral fellow, elected by the postdoctoral fellow members of the center for a renewable 1-year term;
  6. a member of the professional research staff, elected by the PPR members for a 2-year renewable term, who is non-renewable to encourage a rotation of research sites (unless there are exceptional circumstances, such as a lack of candidates)




Consult  PROTEO-Laval's bylaws (PDF in French), adopted at the Annual General Meeting on June 19, 2024.