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Become a member

A regular member is a researcher who is an assistant, associate or full professor at Université Laval, whose application for membership has been accepted by the regular members' meeting.

Only regular members of PROTEO-Laval have voting rights at General Meetings and may hold a position on the Executive Committee (EC). Regular members and their research groups have access to all activities, grants, infrastructures and subsidy programs offered by PROTEO-Laval.

Regular members must meet the following conditions:

  1. devote more than 50% of his or her time to research, and at least 50% of his or her research activities to subjects related to PROTEO-Laval's missions;
  2. publish regularly in peer-reviewed scientific journals on subjects related to PROTEO-Laval's missions;
  3. hold one or more research grants and/or research contracts on subjects related to PROTEO-Laval's missions;
  4. supervise and/or co-supervise at least one student intern, graduate student or postdoctoral fellow registered at Université Laval, on a subject related to PROTEO-Laval's missions;
  5. participate regularly and actively, along with his/her research group, in PROTEO-Laval events (including organizing committees and evaluation committees);
  6. respond diligently to requests from the coordinator and/or the CD, particularly with regard to statistics for the annual report;
  7. facilitate access to the research equipment and infrastructure of its research laboratory to other members, and share related expertise (costs may be associated for users);
  8. consent to PROTEO-Laval's use of his or her name, curriculum vitae and achievements for recognition, promotion and funding purposes;
  9. contribute to PROTEO-Laval's influence in the scientific community;
  10. mention his/her affiliation with PROTEO-Laval (or PROTEO) in publications resulting from research work (including articles, books, reports, dissertations and theses, as well as scientific communications, conferences and posters).

Admission of a regular member

To join the group, applicants meeting the above criteria must submit a written application to the PROTEO-Laval CD (in a single PDF document), including the following documents:

  • a letter of no more than two (2) pages, describing how your research program fits in with PROTEO-Laval's research themes;
  • an up-to-date CV (e.g. NSERC Common CV), clearly indicating affiliations, publications, research grants and/or contracts, students supervised over the previous five (5) years, and any other relevant information.

The Committee receives and discusses applications at a regular meeting following receipt. The Board decides on the suitability of the applications received, and whether or not to present them to the AGM for a vote, which may be taken in person or electronically. A candidate will be accepted as a member if he/she obtains a majority of votes cast by 50% of regular members plus one (+1) in the ballot.

Candidates' applications will be evaluated no later than the next scheduled AGM. A decision will be sent by e-mail within 15 working days of this AGM. The effective date will be the first day of the month following the AGM.

An associate member is a researcher who is an assistant, associate, full or adjunct professor at Université Laval whose application for membership has been accepted by the regular members. The associate member does not have to meet all the conditions listed in 4.1.1.

Associate members have access to all PROTEO-Laval events and are encouraged to attend meetings, but do not have voting rights at AGMs and are not entitled to the financial benefits of the association. Associate members are not expected to be as actively involved as regular members.

The associate member must:

  1. consent to PROTEO-Laval's use of his or her name, curriculum vitae and accomplishments in the recognition, promotion and financing of the association;
  2. contribute to PROTEO-Laval's influence in the scientific community.

Admission of an associate member

To join the group, applicants meeting the above criteria must submit a written application to the PROTEO-Laval Executive Committee (in a single PDF document) at, including the following documents:

  • a letter of no more than two (2) pages, describing how your research program fits in with PROTEO-Laval's research themes;
  • an up-to-date CV (e.g. NSERC Common CV), clearly indicating affiliations, publications, research grants and/or contracts, students supervised over the previous five (5) years, and any other relevant information.

The Committee receives and discusses applications at a regular meeting following receipt. The Board decides on the suitability of the applications received, and whether or not to present them to the AGM for a vote, which may be taken in person or electronically. A candidate will be accepted as a member if he/she obtains a majority of votes cast by 50% of regular members plus one (+1) in the ballot.

Candidates' applications will be evaluated no later than the next scheduled AGM. A decision will be sent by e-mail within 15 working days of this AGM. The effective date will be the first day of the month following the AGM.

The student/postdoctoral community member is a person registered at Université Laval, or a trainee (registered or not at UL), whose research work is supervised or co-supervised by a regular member of PROTEO-Laval.

In the same way as a regular member, the student/postdoctoral fellow must:

  1. participate in PROTEO-Laval events;
  2. consent to the use of his or her name, curriculum vitae and achievements by PROTEO-Laval for the promotion of the association;
  3. contribute to PROTEO-Laval's influence in the scientific community;
  4. mention his/her affiliation with PROTEO-Laval (or PROTEO) in publications resulting from research work (including articles, books, reports, dissertations and theses, as well as scientific communications, conferences and posters).

Student member admission

Anyone meeting the definition of student member is automatically granted student member status.

The RP member is a person holding a contractual relationship as a RP for research work under the supervision of a regular member of PROTEO-Laval.

The RP member must:

  1. participate in PROTEO-Laval events;
  2. consent to the use of his or her name, curriculum vitae and achievements by PROTEO-Laval in the promotion and preparation of grant applications;
  3. contribute to PROTEO-Laval's influence in the scientific community;
  4. mention his/her affiliation with PROTEO-Laval (or PROTEO) in publications resulting from research work.

Admission of a professional research member

Anyone meeting the definition of a professional research member is automatically granted the status of professional research member.

The employee member is a person holding a contractual link for research work under the supervision of a regular member of PROTEO.

The employee member must:

  1. participate in PROTEO-Laval events;
  2. consent to the use of his or her name, curriculum vitae and achievements by PROTEO-Laval in the promotion and preparation of grant applications;
  3. contribute to PROTEO-Laval's influence in the scientific community;
  4. mention his/her affiliation with PROTEO-Laval (or PROTEO) in publications resulting from research work.

Employee member admission

Any person meeting the definition of employee member is automatically granted employee member status.

An emeritus member is a person who is or has been a regular member of PROTEO-Laval for many years and who has carried out outstanding research activities, or who has made an exceptional contribution to the development of the center. This title is granted by a resolution proposed by the Board of Directors and supported by a majority vote at the General Meeting (GM).